Tuesday, September 28, 2010

C# WP7 Panorama with Caliburn.Micro Template

In my last post, I announced a F# and C# WP7 Panorama with Caliburn.Micro template. That template generated some interest in having a similar C# only template. You can find the C# only version on Visual Studio Gallery or through the Online Templates feature of Visual Studio 2010.

Here are the steps:

1. Download and install the RTW release of the Windows Phone Developer Tools.
2. In Visual Studio 2010, navigate to File -> New and select Online Templates.
3. Search for "Daniel Mohl" or "C# WP7 with Caliburn.Micro":

The full source is available at http://github.com/dmohl/CSharpWP7PanoramaWithCaliburnMicro.